22. September 2022 Meghan Sapp

Virgin Voyages teams with Twelve, Argent Energy and Good Fuels on future fuels

In the UK, Virgin Voyages is working to make its cruise ships more sustainable, through partnerships with independent sustainability experts the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials, and three leading waste-based sustainable fuel providers

Following months of research, Virgin Voyages has taken an important step towards a low-carbon future by establishing these key partnerships and is working with multiple partners on sustainable marine fuel supply. Because there’s no one-size-fits-all low-carbon fuel solution, Virgin Voyages will work with three partners through long-term partnerships to develop the best solutions: 

·      Twelve – A carbon transformation company with revolutionary technology using air (not oil) to produce materials and fuel sources 

·      Argent Energy – The European waste-based biodiesel producer with a vision to help decarbonise transport worldwide 

·      Good Fuels – Global market leader of accelerating the transition from harmful emissions into sustainable marine fuel by implementing waste-based technology